Thank you for partnering with us!

Dear Friends, RadioMv depends on voluntary donations from our listeners to continue spreading the gospel and bringing hope and inspiration to people all around the world. By making a financial contribution, you can help support our efforts to bring the message of salvation to people who are thirsty for it.

We are committed to using every dollar we receive to further our mission and make a positive impact on the lives of others. With your help, we can continue to serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration to people in need.

Remember, many people around the world are counting on us to provide them with spiritual nourishment and support, and we are counting on your generosity to help make this possible. Thank you for your support, and may God bless you for your contributions to our ministry.

Donate to RadioMv using Zelle using our email​

Donate to RadioMv using Zelle using our email [email protected]

Bankverbindung Europa
Daniel Braun – RadioMv
Volksbank Rottweil eG
IBAN: DE77642901200149008007

***Your Donation Can Help You Get a Tax Refund

RadioMv is a 501(c)(3) organization, which means that your donation is eligible for tax refunds. If you make a donation in the United States, you will receive a receipt by mail or electronically for each monetary contribution you make. This receipt can be used to claim tax deductions on your income tax return.

Note that if you made a donation via CashApp, Zelle, or other electronic means, we may not have access to your contact information. In this case, please be sure to send us an SMS message specifying your name and address, so that we can send you a receipt for your donation.

Thank you for your support of RadioMv. Your generosity helps us continue our mission of spreading the gospel and bringing hope and inspiration to people around the world.

Prayer Support and Fasting

We are grateful to the Lord for His blessings on this ministry. As we reflect on the past years, we see the hand of God guiding and directing us. One of the most important factors contributing to our success is the power of prayer. We are grateful for the prayers of our family, friends, and radio listeners, and we welcome your support in this way too.

If possible, we encourage you to join us in prayer and fasting for the following:

  • The employees of RadioMv
  • The logistics of RadioMv, including the preparation and transmission of programs
  • The proper functioning of equipment and the knowledge and abilities of employees to fix any issues that may arise
  • The listeners of RadioMv, that they may be edified and blessed by the broadcasts
  • That many listeners may come to know Christ and grow spiritually through the radio programs
  • That the broadcasts may reach those who have not yet heard about Christ, and those who live in places where it is difficult or impossible to have communication with Christians

We believe in the power of prayer and the impact it can have on this ministry. Thank you for your support and may God bless you.

Tell others about RadioMv

  • You have a great opportunity to talk about RadioMv, when meeting in conversations with your relatives and friends.
  • You can tell about the radio ministry, the ministers of your local church, the youth leader, Sunday school teachers that there is an opportunity to listen to Christian RadioMv in four languages 24 hours a day.
  • If you participate in the publication of magazines, newspapers, church bulletin and similar publications, we will be very grateful if you tell your readers about the RadioMv ministry.
  • If you have your own website, or perhaps a church, mission, or some kind of ministry, you can add a RadioMv website, thereby giving people access to listen to the radio.
  • Why don’t you share about RadioMv’s ministry with your friends online. Add our page to your friends, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram to add RadioMv as a friend.
  • Thank you for helping us share Christ with people and promote RadioMv!